FAQs about short and long term vehicle storage

Find out answers to your questions about short and long term vehicle storage below:

If you have more questions then please phone us. We are friendly and keen to talk with you.

Q Security – How do you make sure that my vehicle is secure ?

A The storage premises are protected by a commercial level monitored security alarm service. CCTV cameras monitor the premises.

Q Access – can I access my vehicle whenever I wish to ?

A Yes you can. you are provided with a security access card and PIN, so that you can gain access 24 x 7 and unset and reset the security alarm when you leave.

Q Access – Is the alarm system “easy to use” ?

A Yes it is easy to use.

Q Registration – Should I keep the NZTA registration current if I am storing for the longer term ?

A Generally you don’t need to, and we can discuss your needs. It is more important to arrange to get a current WOF first.
Warning  the fine for not having a current registration when driving is expensive.

Q Warrant of Fitness (WOF) Should I keep the WOF current if I am storing for the longer term ?

A This is not necessary. However it is vital that you make arrangements to get a WOF before driving, (which we can help you with) to ensure that you do have a current WOF when you hit the road for the first time.
Warning  the fine for not having a current WOF when driving is also expensive